Wednesday, April 30, 2008


Mommy stayed at the hospital last night and is going to continue staying there. The hospital has nursing mothers' rooms for moms with babies in the NICU that want to stay at the hospital to be with their babies for more of the feedings. It is a blessing for us because it lets Mommy stay close and it is free of charge. From 6:30 last night until 6:30 this morning (5 feedings), Brennan took all of his milk. We were very happy. However, at 9:30, 12:30, and 3:30 today, he would only take about half. When he doesn't take all of it, the nurse has to give him the rest through the feeding tube. It makes Mommy sad, but it is much better than having to have the IV. The nurses say that he is just acting his age and that it takes a while for babies born at 35 weeks to build the endurance to take all their feedings. He is digesting the food well, just not wanting to eat all of it. We are happy to say that he is very healthy; he just needs more time to adjust and be able to eat. Please pray that he will eat and that Mommy and Daddy will have a lot of patience as we eagerly wait for him to get to come home.


Amanda said...

I hope and pray he eats well so that y'all can take him home soon. He's been in my prayers and he's such a cutie!

Donna said...

Jennifer, you are such a good mom staying at the hospital with Brennan. I pray that he gets more consitent for you everyday. He's is so precious and we can't wait to meet him.