Wednesday, April 29, 2009

More Steps

Yesterday Brennan took 19 steps two separate times. He is consistently taking 10 or more steps at a time. Many times he sits down instead of falling too. Crawling is still WAY faster, but he is getting much better at learning to walk!

Grandma Oakley's Birthday Parties

We celebrated Grandma Oakley's birthday at Red Robin and at GGma and GGpa's house. Brennan and Mommy both love her very much and hope that she had a wonderful birthday! Thanks for being a good sport at Red Robin :)

Brennan, Kate, and Rachel

Brennan, Kate, and Rachel have had lots of time to spend outside together in the last few weeks. Here are some pictures from the zoo and home.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Zoo with friends

Last week we went to the zoo with our friends, Miss Kelly, Sophie, and Will. Today we went again with Miss Donna, Addison, and Clark. These are a few pictures from our outings.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Happy Birthday Grandma Oakley!

We hope you had a great birthday!

1 Year Check-up

Today Brennan had his one year check-up. He is 29 inches long (25%) and 19 lbs 10 oz (20%). He is a healthy little boy!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Brennan's Birthday Party

Yesterday after church, we celebrated Brennan's first birthday with our families. GGpa, GGma, Grandad, Gran, Grandpa Oakley, Grandma Oakley, Uncle Kyle, Aunt Lindsay, Uncle Justin, Aunt Krista, Kate, Uncle Brett, Aunt Kayla, Rachel, Aunt Michelle, Uncle Josh, Daddy, and Mommy were all here to help Brennan celebrate. (Uncle Ryan, Aunt Jessica, Kinley, and Jaxon were here last week, and Kinley called yesterday to say Happy Birthday! Granny and Grandpa Roy were out of town but were able to spend time with Brennan on Easter.) Brennan had a wonderful time. He loved his birthday hat, all his new presents, and being the center of attention! He was still a little unsure about eating the cake, but he definitely enjoyed all of the time with his loving family!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Happy Birthday Brennan!

Today is Brennan's first birthday! On Tuesday, we had first birthday pictures taken. He loved smiling for the camera but was very unsure about what to do with the cake. Today after church we are having a birthday party with our families. Hopefully, Brennan will be a little more interested in his cake then.