Saturday, May 30, 2009

Visiting Friends

On Thursday we went to Ms. Laura and Lexi's house for a playdate. Then on Friday we went with Aunt Kayla and Rachel to visit Ms. Lyn and Kaylee. We love seeing our friends!

Ms. Kelly, Will, and Sophie

Aunt Kayla, Rachel, Lexi, and Brennan

Ms. Lyn, Kaylee, Brennan, and Rachel

Thursday, May 28, 2009


I have been terrible so far with posting videos of Brennan. This is a short video that shows some of his walking. If you listen closely, you can hear him say Cheez-It. He still crawls way more than he walks but walks more everyday!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Playing with Daddy

Brennan loves to play with his Daddy. Tonight I took a few pictures of them playing together and a couple of videos. In the first video they are playing, and Brennan laughs in the middle because he sees himself in the reflection of the fireplace. The second video is of them playing with their hammers on Brennan's tool bench.

Family Camp

This past weekend we went to Family Camp. Brennan had a great time with his family and friends. He and Kinley were able to ride horses for the first time. He was a little unsure at first but seemed to like it overall. We have lots of horse riding pictures and a few others, but our camera flash quit working part way through the weekend, so we did not get all the pictures that we were hoping for. However, I did steal a few pics from Brennan's cousins' blogs.

Kinley, Uncle Ryan, Brennan, and Daddy looking at a horse before the ride.

Brennan and Daddy

Kinley in her helmet to ride the horses. Doesn't she look so grown up?

Kinley getting on the horse.

Kinley riding the horse with Uncle Ryan walking beside.

Aunt Jessica and Jaxon with the horse. Jaxon was a little young to ride this year.

Brennan getting his helmet on before riding the horse.

What a big boy!

Brennan and Daddy

Riding the horse.

Brennan and Daddy posing in their stylish helmets.

Brennan and Kinley in the jogging stroller.

Kinley, Brennan, Jaxon, and Rachel in their Family Camp shirts that Aunt Kayla got.

Brennan and Rachel

Brennan and Kinley

Daddy, Grandpa, Brennan, and Rachel

Brennan, Grandpa, and Rachel

Rachel, Kinley, and Brennan

A lot of Brennan's family at lunch.

Brennan walking. He has gone from just taking steps to what I would call real walking. He walked quite a bit at Family Camp and is doing more everyday!

Another Tooth!

Yesterday I saw that Brennan has another tooth poking through. That is his twelth tooth! Eating should be getting easier and easier with so many chompers. The picture below shows the primary teeth. Brennan has his eight incisors (four bottom and four top)and all four first molars.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Playing with Uncle Josh

Brennan loves to play with his Uncle Josh!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

11 Teeth

Yesterday when I was brushing Brennan's teeth, I noticed that he had gotten his 11th tooth. He absolutely loves to brush his teeth. If I ask him if he wants to brush his teeth, he will quickly go to the bathroom. He loves it!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Mommy and Daddy's Cruise - May 9-16

Brennan stayed with Gran and Grandad while Mommy and Daddy went on a cruise for a week. We drove to Aunt Jessica and Uncle Ryan's house on Friday night (after dropping Brennan off in OKC with Gran and Grandad). We spent the night with them and spent the next morning playing with Kinley and Jaxon. Then we drove to Galveston and boarded the Carnival Ecstasy. We were at sea on Saturday night, Sunday, and Monday. On Tuesday, we were in Montego Bay, Jamaica. On Wednesday, we were in Grand Cayman. Thursday and Friday we were at sea, and Saturday morning we got back to Galveston. It was a wonderful trip!

Mommy, Daddy, Jaxon, and Kinley

Daddy and Kinley playing

Jaxon smiling at Mommy and Daddy

Saturday afternoon in Galveston

Saturday evening

Saturday evening at dinner

Sunday afternoon - we watched a man carve this ice block into a heart with MOM in the center.

Sunday night

Monday night

In front of the ship in Jamaica - our room is the one right under the Y in Ecstasy.

At the beach in Jamaica

At the beach in Jamaica

Mommy with her new friend Lauren

Daddy with his new friend Keith

In the ocean in Jamaica

Beside the welcome to Jamaica sign

On the ship with Jamaica in the background



On the ship with Jamaica in the background

Tuesday night in front of the dinning room

In Grand Cayman with the Ecstasy behind us; we had to take smaller boats to shore.

The ship from Grand Cayman

Parrots in Grand Cayman

Mommy with Lauren and Amy at Senor Frogs in Grand Cayman

Daddy at the Hard Rock Cafe in Grand Cayman where we ate lunch

The beach in Grand Cayman

At the beach in Grand Cayman

The boat that took us from the ship to Grand Cayman

Grand Cayman

Grand Cayman

Grand Cayman

From the ship with Grand Cayman in the background

Wednesday night at dinner - Keith, Lauren, Mommy, Daddy, Woody, and Amy

The towel art on Wednesday - everynight the room steward created an animal of some sort with towels in our room.

A flower made with a napkin at dinner.

Woody, Amy, Mommy, Daddy, Lauren and Keith after dinner on Thursday night

After dinner Thursday night

At dinner on Friday night - our fifth anniversary!

The cake that Daddy got for Mommy

After dinner Friday night