Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Potty Training Update

Brennan is really getting the idea of going potty in the toilet! He is still a long way from being completely trained, but he is well on his way. In the last 3 days, he has only had 2 accidents! However, please keep in mind that at this point in time, we are not counting the time when he is asleep as an accident. During naps he usually has a wet diaper; however, he has been dry a couple of times. And he is always wet in the morning when he gets up from his 12-13 hours of nighttime sleep. :) Everyday is different, but he seems to be getting consistently better. We are not at the point that I am willing to leave the house without him wearing a diaper though. Hopefully that will come soon!


Grandma said...

Quite an accomplishment for the little man. Kudos to Mom and Dad for persistence.

GGma said...

Sounds like he is doing great!

Jessica said...

I think he is doing amazing and some people don't even try to potty train boys until they are 4 because they say they "can't" - Brennan is a sure sign that if the parent takes the time to try then atleast there are fewer diapers and Momma SHOULD be proud!