Monday, July 20, 2009


Last week Brennan wasn't feeling well at all. He was running a fever, had an ear infection, and had a sinus infection. He is much better now, but I think his ears may still be bothering him a little as he is still a little off balance.
Brennan has also been much more clingy recently and likes for Mommy and Daddy to hold him a lot. He still has played on his own some but wants to be held a lot.
Brennan had a donut for the first time a few days ago and absolutely loved it.
Something cute from last Sunday... Sunday night at church when we were singing a song, Mommy told Brennan to sing. He sang, "Jesus, Jesus, Jesus." "Jesus Loves Me" is his favorite song. It was absolutely adorable!
Here are a few recent pictures.


Kayla said...

He is sooo sweet! I love the singing story! :)

GGma said...

Maybe Brennan can go with Daddy when he preaches and he can lead the singing!