Saturday, March 14, 2009

Gran, Grandad, Aunt Lindsay, and Uncle Kyle Visit

Last weekend, Gran, Grandad, Aunt Lindsay, and Uncle Kyle came for a visit. They came to help Daddy lay the tile in the downstairs bathroom. Grandad, Uncle Kyle, and Daddy did a great job on the project. While they were here, Gran, Aunt Lindsay, Mommy, and Brennan took a trip to the zoo. Brennan had a great time with all of them!

Gran, Grandad, and Brennan

Grandad and Brennan

Gran and Brennan

Aunt Lindsay, Uncle Kyle, and Brennan

Brennan with the giraffes

Aunt Lindsay, Gran, and Brennan with the parrot

Brennan with the sheep

Aunt Lindsay, Gran, and Brennan with the camel

Riding the play horse

Petting the sheep

Petting the sheep

Mommy and Brennan


GGma said...

Looks like you all had a fun day at the zoo. Glad it was a pretty day to be outside.