Sunday, March 29, 2009

10th tooth

Brennan now has ten teeth!

Monday, March 23, 2009

9th tooth

Brennan has 9 teeth!

Saturday, March 14, 2009


Brennan has been pulling up on things and standing for quite some time now. However, he has just recently started letting go and standing after he pulls up. Today while in the bathtub he stood up for the first time without holding onto anything. It surprised him when he did it, and he bent his knees like he was going to sit back down, but instead of sitting, he stood up again for a few seconds until he fell. Mommy is anxious to see when standing (without pulling up) will become a regular occurrence.

Gran, Grandad, Aunt Lindsay, and Uncle Kyle Visit

Last weekend, Gran, Grandad, Aunt Lindsay, and Uncle Kyle came for a visit. They came to help Daddy lay the tile in the downstairs bathroom. Grandad, Uncle Kyle, and Daddy did a great job on the project. While they were here, Gran, Aunt Lindsay, Mommy, and Brennan took a trip to the zoo. Brennan had a great time with all of them!

Gran, Grandad, and Brennan

Grandad and Brennan

Gran and Brennan

Aunt Lindsay, Uncle Kyle, and Brennan

Brennan with the giraffes

Aunt Lindsay, Gran, and Brennan with the parrot

Brennan with the sheep

Aunt Lindsay, Gran, and Brennan with the camel

Riding the play horse

Petting the sheep

Petting the sheep

Mommy and Brennan

Monday, March 2, 2009

Daddy's Birthday Party

Last night we celebrated Daddy's birthday with Mommy's family.

Daddy with the special plate

Daddy getting ready to open a present

Aunt Kayla, GGpa, and Grandma

James, Aunt Michelle, Aunt Krista, and Uncle Justin

Grandpa Oakley and Brennan

Grandpa Oakley and Brennan

GGpa and Brennan


Brennan and Rachel