Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Brennan's Big Boy Room

We have moved Brennan downstairs to his big boy room. He is still sleeping in a crib but is not in the nursery anymore. We wanted to make this transition now so that he doesn't think it is the baby's fault that everything is changing. :) He is okay with his room but does not love it. He has slept down there 2 (full nights)of the last 4 nights. The first night he cried a little but then slept all night. The second night he would not stop crying, so we brought him upstairs and he went to sleep fine. The third night he fussed a little but slept great. And last night was a challenge. He cried (very briefly when he got in bed), then he "talked" for about 2 hours, then he called "Mommy," then he screamed until we got him. We brought him upstairs where he refused to sleep in the nursery as well. So we held him for about 30 minutes and then he finally went to sleep. I am unsure if last night dealt with his new room or just not being tired. He has taken all of his naps in his new room just fine, so hopefully tonight will go well again.

Monday, July 27, 2009

15 teeth

Brennan's little mouth is so full of teeth. He has 15 now.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Visiting Great Granny

On Thursday Brennan and Mommy went to Great Granny and Great Grandpa Roy's house. Miss Julie, Shelly, and Michael were there visiting as well. Here are a few pics.

Monday, July 20, 2009


Last week Brennan wasn't feeling well at all. He was running a fever, had an ear infection, and had a sinus infection. He is much better now, but I think his ears may still be bothering him a little as he is still a little off balance.
Brennan has also been much more clingy recently and likes for Mommy and Daddy to hold him a lot. He still has played on his own some but wants to be held a lot.
Brennan had a donut for the first time a few days ago and absolutely loved it.
Something cute from last Sunday... Sunday night at church when we were singing a song, Mommy told Brennan to sing. He sang, "Jesus, Jesus, Jesus." "Jesus Loves Me" is his favorite song. It was absolutely adorable!
Here are a few recent pictures.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Playing in the sand

Brennan spent a lot of time on Saturday playing in his sandbox. And today Rachel came over to play with him in it.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Visiting the Farm

Last week we went to the farm for Brennan's first visit. Brennan enjoyed playing the Uncle David's hat, looking at the huge tires, getting in the combine with GGpa, looking at the straw and wheat, and spending time with his family.

Uncle Josh, Great Uncle David, Brennan, Kate, Aunt Michelle, GGma, Rachel, and Mommy

Uncle Josh, Great Uncle David, Brennan, Kate, Aunt Michelle, Aunt Kayla, Rachel, and Mommy

Uncle Josh, GGpa, Kate, Aunt Michelle, Brennan, Mommy, Rachel, GGma, and Great Uncle David

Brennan playing with Great Uncle David's hat

Brennan in the BIG combine tire

Brennan and GGma

Brennan looking at the smaller combine tire

Brennan checking out the combine with GGpa

Getting buckled in

Looking down from the big combine

Checking out the straw with Great Uncle David

GGpa with the combine

Uncle Josh in the combine

Playdate at Aunt Kayla's

Brennan had fun today playing with his friends.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Big Accomplishment!

Brennan went poop in the potty today! So it wasn't really any of his own doing... Mommy saw the look on his face and rushed him into the bathroom. He had already gone some in his diaper but finished in the potty. Then Mommy praised and praised Brennan. He knew he had done something very good!
We aren't really ready to start potty training yet, but we thought we would get the little potty out and start talking about it. We are hoping that he can get used to the idea of it to make it easier for when we actually start trying to train.
Brennan has always been fine with going around in a poopy diaper until Monday. On Monday, he pooped his diaper, took it off, and brought Mommy a clean diaper. Other than tracking poop on the floor from stepping in it (yuck!), Mommy was very happy with this because it was the first time he had seemed to care.

We love the zoo!

Yesterday Brennan and Mommy went to the zoo with Grandma, Aunt Kayla, Uncle Brett, and Rachel.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


Brennan has had a few opportunities to go swimming this summer. First he went swimming at GGma's with Uncle Josh. Then he went swimming at Grandma and Grandpa's with Grandma, Mommy, Uncle Josh, and Rachel. And last week he went swimming twice at the YMCA with Aunt Krista, Uncle Justin, Grandma, Aunt Kayla, Aunt Michelle, Uncle Josh, Mommy, Kate, and Rachel. For now, Brennan definitely prefers shallow water that he can stand and sit in to splash.

14 Teeth

Brennan has been very drooly again the last few days, and Sunday night Mommy saw that another tooth has popped through.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Cowboy Brennan

On Saturday Brennan decided he wanted to wear Daddy's cowboy hat. For the most part, he wore it down over his eyes as he walked, but we were still able to get a few cute shots.

4th of July Celebration

We went to Uncle Brett and Aunt Kayla's house to celebrate the 4th of July. Brennan had a great time eating and playing. He was even fine with all the loud noises (of the firecrackers). However, when it was dark and he was watching the fireworks, he was very afraid of the lights. We were unsure of if it was because of being tired, the noise with the lights, or just too many lights, but he definitely didn't like it.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy 4th of July!

A huge thanks to Aunt Krista for taking these pictures!