Saturday, February 28, 2009


Last night we went to Uncle Brett and Aunt Kayla's house. Brennan had a wonderful time playing with his cousins Kate and Rachel.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Happy Birthday Daddy!

Brennan just wanted everyone to know how much he loves his Daddy!

Welcome Jaxon!

Brennan's cousin, Jaxon, was born on February 18. He weighed 7 lbs 13 oz and was 19.5 inches long. This past weekend, Mommmy, Brennan, Grandpa Oakley, Aunt Michelle, and Uncle Josh went to visit him. We had a great time and are very excited for Brennan to have a boy cousin! However, Mommy thinks Brennan thought the trip was about playing with Kinley.

Aunt Jessica and Jaxon

Uncle Ryan and Jaxon

Mommy, Brennan, and Jaxon

Grandpa Oakley, Kinley, Brennan, and Jaxon

Uncle Ryan and Brennan

Aunt Jessica and Brennan

Brennan enjoying Jaxon's blanket

GGma, Kinley, Jaxon, and Brennan

Kinley and Brennan hugging

Kinley and Brennan taking a bath

Brennan enjoying Kinley's playground with Grandpa Oakley

Kinley and Brennan on the teeter-totter

Grandpa and Grandma Oakley, Kinley, Brennan, and Jaxon

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Very late post - Christmas 2008

Kinley, Brennan, Kate, and Rachel

Kinley checking out Kate

Brennan checking out Kinley

"This ball is fun to hit."

"It is way more fun to eat though."

Kinley playing

Aunt Jessica and Uncle Ryan

Aunt Krista, Uncle Justin, and Kate

Aunt Kayla, Uncle Brett, and Rachel

Aunt Michelle opening a present

Uncle Josh opening a present

Grandma and Grandpa opening a present

Grandma and Grandpa Oakley

Brennan opening a present with Mommy

Brennan opening a present with Daddy


Great Great Grandma Freda, Mommy's cousin Richard, and Brennan

Mommy's cousin, Dacia

Great Great Grandma Freda and GGpa

Great Uncle David and Brennan

Opening a present at Great Granny and Grandpa Roy's

Family at Great Granny and Grandpa Roy's

Family at Great Granny and Grandpa Roy's

Great Uncle Nate, Great Aunt Nettie, Rebecca (Mommy's cousin),
Desi (Mommy's cousin), Ryan, and Great Aunt Pam

Great Granny and Great Grandpa Roy

Daddy's cousins - Whitney, Julie, Allison, Mikaiah, and Marian

Brennan opening a present with Gran

Brennan with Great Aunt Judy

Brennan with Gran

Brennan with Grandad

Uncle Kyle and Aunt Lindsay



I am very slow with posting these pictures but still wanted you all to see some pictures from Christmas. Brennan had a great time celebrating Christmas multiple times. On Christmas Eve, we went to Grandma and Grandpa Oakley's and celebrated with Grandma, Grandpa, Aunt Jessica, Uncle Ryan, Kinley, Aunt Krista, Uncle Justin, Kate, Aunt Kayla, Uncle Brett, Rachel, Aunt Michelle, and Uncle Joshua. On Christmas morning Brennan opened presents from Santa and then from Mommy and Daddy. Then we went to GGma and GGpa's house and celebrated with everyone on Grandma Oakley's side of the family. We ate lunch there and then in the afternoon went to Great Granny and Great Grandpa Roy's house. There Brennan celebrated with many aunts, uncles, and cousins on Grandpa Oakley's side of the family. After our wonderful day we spent the night at home. Then the day after Christmas, we traveled to Oklahoma and celebrated at Gran and Grandad's house with Daddy's aunt and cousins. The next day we finished up our Christmas celebration with Gran, Grandad, Uncle Kyle, and Aunt Lindsay. It was a wonderful Christmas!