Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Learning to Play

Last night, Brennan had a great time learning to play in his jumperoo and exersaucer.

Visiting Aunt Jessica, Uncle Ryan, and Kinley

Brennan, Mommy, Grandma, and Grandpa went to Texas this weekend to visit Aunt Jessica, Uncle Ryan, and Kinley. Kinley and Brennan had a great time getting to know each other.

Yummy Cereal!

On Thursday night, Brennan ate cereal for the first time. He loved it!

Brennan's Friend Clark

On Thursday, Mommy and Brennan went to visit Donna, Addison, and Clark. These are a couple of pictures of Brennan and Clark together.

Bumbo Seat

Brennan loves to sit up... and now he is able to sit by himself in his Bumbo seat. Oh what fun!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Bible Class

Brennan went to Bible class for the first time last Sunday and Mommy held him. Then on Wednesday night, he sat in the seat and did a great job!

I love Grandpa!

Brennan loves for his Grandpa Oakley to hold him... he smiles and smiles and smiles!

Monday, July 7, 2008

Going Swimming

On Saturday we took Brennan to GGma's to go swimming for the first time.

At first, he had a little trouble waking up.

Then he relaxed on GGma.

Then he enjoyed the water in his floatie!

He loved Daddy playing with him.

And taking a family picture.

Then Brennan tried out his life jacket.

He had so much fun with Mommy and Daddy.

After he dried off, he went inside to play with GGma.

It was a very fun afternoon. Thanks to GGma for letting us come over to swim and thanks Aunt Kayla for the great swimming trunks!

Fourth of July

Brennan had a wonderful 4th of July. Daddy grilled excellent hamburgers and hotdogs. Uncle Brett, Aunt Kayla, Aunt Michelle, and Uncle Josh shot off fireworks. Brennan slept. And we all had a great time!